ࡱ> UWTy bjbj 7P{{$5 &$[" % Vp@47:  05 x%L%44%HXcL5 % : Name _______________________________ Date _________________ Unit 1: Number Theory Think about the skills below. Assess your knowledge of each concept. Show an example of each concept. Skills I canI can do this on my own and explain how it works. (Secure)I can do this on my own. (Developing)I can do this if I have help or look at an example. (Beginning)Explanation/ Examples/ Notesidentify even and odd numbers list factors of a number.Workbook 16 Study Link 1.6 use rectangular arrays to model multiplication and divisionWorkbook Page 10 and Math Box 1.2 #3 Study Link 1.3 demonstrate knowledge of fact extensions Workbook page 6 and 7 describe a pattern for finding the product when you multiply with extended facts. Workbook page 6 and 7 apply divisibility rules to solve a problemWorkbook Page 14 Study Link 1.5 See Back of Sheet Skills I canI can do this on my own and explain how it works. (Secure)I can do this on my own. (Developing)I can do this if I have help or look at an example. (Beginning)Explanation/ Examples/ Notesidentify a number as primeWorkbook page 16 Study Link 1.6 identify a number as compositeWorkbook page 16 Study Link 1.6 square a numberStudy Link 1.7 find the prime factorization of a numberWorkbook page 26 rename numbers written in exponential notation. Workbook page 21 write simple expressions that model calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them . 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